Cofrestriad Sialens Llinell Sip 2025 Zip Line Challenge Registration

Cofrestriad Sialens Llinell Sip 2025 Zip Line Challenge Registration

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Diolch am ddewis ymuno â Her Llinell Sip Elusennau Iechyd Hywel Dda ddydd Sadwrn 22 Mawrth 2025.

Mae ffi gofrestru o £25 na ellir ei had-dalu i sicrhau un o'r lleoedd cyfyngedig ar y digwyddiad hwn.

I gofrestru dilynwch y camau isod:

1. Cliciwch ar y botwm ‘cyfrannu nawr’ uchod i dalu eich ffi gofrestru o £25.

2. Sicrhewch eich bod yn cynnwys eich enw llawn pan fyddwch yn talu.

3. Unwaith y byddwch wedi talu eich ffi gofrestru, llenwch y ffurflen archebu ar-lein i gwblhau eich cofrestriad.

Diolch am eich cefnogaeth

Thank you for choosing to sign up to the Hywel Dda Health Charities Zip Line Challenge on Saturday 22rd March 2025.

There is a non-refundable £25 registration fee to secure one of the limited places on this event.

To register please follow the steps below:

1. Click the ‘donate now’ button above to pay your £25 registration fee.

2. Please ensure you include your full name when you make payment.

3. Once you have paid your registration fee, please fill in the online booking form to complete your registration - 

 Thank you for your support!